Jet City Fieros meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the back/reserved room at Triple X Root Beer in Issaquah. Meetings are called to order around 7:00 PM by the club President. We loosely follow Robert’s Rules of Order and the agenda is typically:
- Introductions/roll-call: Each person present briefly introduces themselves and their car.
- President’s Report: The club President presents a brief update on Fiero-related news in his/her life.
- Vice President’s Report: The club Vice President presents a brief update on Fiero-related new in his/her life.
- Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the previous meeting are entered into club record.
- Newsletter Editor Report: The editor of the club newsletter reports on its status.
- Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer reports on the status of club finances.
- Old Business: Members report (typically ad-hoc) about club and other Fiero-related events of the last month.
- New Business: Discussion of upcoming club and other Fiero-related events.
- Adjournment: This is, for many, the best part of the meeting; the formal meeting ends and we adjourn to the Triple X parking lot to talk about our cars. Questions are asked, upgrades/improvements are ogled, advice is given.
Cut to the chase: Our online application is here.
Can I come to the meeting if I’m not a member?
Yes! We welcome anyone who is enthusiastic about or wants to learn more about Fieros.
How much is a membership?
Annual dues are $25 if paid by our February meeting, $30 after. New members can join any time for $25. Most of this used to pay club insurance and for miscellaneous event costs such as the annual picnic and the main course for the annual election party.
Are there any other costs?
None that are mandatory.
There is an optional raffle at every meeting. Proceeds from the raffle supplement dues.
There is an optional “pass the hat” for Adopt-A-Family at every meeting. In November all the money collected is used by the club to help augment the holidays for underserved youth in the community.
Some club events, such as the All Pontiac Show and Shine and the Northwest Fiero Fest have nominal ($25ish) entry fees. Participation in these events is optional.
Is food provided at the meetings?
The club does not pay for meals, but Triple X Root Beer has a large 50s-style menu of burgers, dogs, fries, onion rings, as well as malts, sundaes, and their world-famous root beer. Triple X is CASH ONLY, so bring cash or use the ATM at the front of the restaurant.
Can I participate in club events if I’m not a member?
No. Because the non-meeting events are the main driver of our insurance costs, we require that all event participants are current on dues. Dues-paid members also receive our monthly newsletter.
Okay, that seems reasonable. How do I join?
Our online application is here. Or you can contact us here and we will send you an application. Dues can be paid by check or cash (we are working on an online payment option).
Do I have to come to all the meetings and events?
No. Some members come to most of the meetings and few of the events. Some come to most of the events and few of the meetings. Some join just for the newsletter and/or to support the club and rarely attend events or meetings.
I’m not mechanically inclined. Is the club mostly for gear-heads?
Not at all. Our members range from ASE certified mechanics to people who don’t know a wrench from a rivet gun. The only requirement is an interest in Fieros.
I don’t have a Fiero or my Fiero is in rough shape. Will I be welcome?
Absolutely. Jet City Fieros welcomes everyone who had an interest in Fieros. If you are looking for advice on how to find a Fiero to buy, how to improve your Fiero, or just want to learn more about them, this is the club for you.
How can I contact the club?
You can contact us through email, Facebook, or Twitter. The links are at the bottom of every page on our web site.